I’m so excited to be part of the Little Gems anthology again this year. This is my third year running and this time I’m amongst the top three. Writing a 3,000-word short story isn’t the easiest thing, but I’ve enjoyed the challenge of honing my writing skills – persistence and continual improvement through studying the craft pays off.
This beautiful cover was designed by the very talented Lana Pecherczyk who also happens to be an author, and RWA member.
Jade is so many different things to so many people and cultures. It can be the colour of a lover’s eyes or the ocean on a calm day, a relic that holds the memories of a lifetime or a fake name given to the cute barista at your mother’s local coffee shop. Join these Australian authors as they bring you short love stories from the streets of post-war Shanghai, to the beaches of New Zealand all the way back home to the classic bake sale in outback Australia as love is fought for, won, lost and then won again. Each tale combines romance with this year’s gemstone and will leave you with a satisfying warmth and the faith that everything happens for a reason…
The anthology is released at the annual RWA conference in August, and available now for preorder.